Cincinnati Concours 2018

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June 10 was another fantastic turnout of cars and motorcycles at the Cincinnati Concours d’Elegance benefitting the Arthritis Foundation.  Over 200 cars and motorcycles from vintage to current were on display.

The event is held yearly at Ault Park, and is the results of hard work from 100’s of volunteers including  event organizers, car selection committee, judges, and on-site staff to set up, work the show, and clean up afterward.  There is a weekend of festivities including parties, a country side tour, and more.  So more volunteers to run each of these additional events.

Eric again served as a Judge, overseeing the motorcycle class for the first time.  What is involved for Judges?  The day starts with a 7:30 am  breakfast and Judges meeting to review judging criteria.  The three man teams head out for judging about 9am and work up to three hours viewing the vehicles in their class before submitting the tally results to the head judge.  Before lunch awards are presented to the owners.  Sounds easy enough – but this is all done in Cincinnati heat – it’s a long, hard day for these volunteers with little break.

Check out the winners at this year’s event at the following link:

Cincinnati Concours d’Elegance 2018